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Scholars’ invitations

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    The EPOG+ pro­gramme wel­comes vis­it­ing schol­ars com­ing from out­side of the Con­sor­tium, pro­vid­ed they can bring sig­nif­i­cant inputs to the ped­a­gog­i­cal cur­ricu­lum. The schol­ars should have a sig­nif­i­cant research, pub­li­ca­tion and/or teach­ing activ­i­ties in the field of the EPOG+ pro­gramme. The con­tri­bu­tion usu­al­ly includes one sem­i­nar or more and pos­si­bly stu­dents’ super­vi­sion. Addi­tion­al­ly, it may also include research activ­i­ties with mem­bers of the EPOG+ team.

    Can­di­dates are invit­ed to send their pro­pos­als for the aca­d­e­m­ic year N/N+1 until the end of Feb­ru­ary of Year N to scholars@epog.eu. Such pro­pos­al should include a cur­ricu­lum vitae and moti­va­tion let­ter with a descrip­tion of the proposal.

    It shall be high­light­ed that a pri­or­i­ty will be giv­en to vis­it­ing schol­ars from EPOG+‘s asso­ci­at­ed partners.

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