Erasmus Mundus scholarships
The Erasmus Mundus scholarship covers:
- student tuition fees (including health and accident insurance scheme fulfilling the European Commision’s minimum requirements),
- a monthly allowance of € 1400 per month (during both academic years).
Without prejudice to high academic standards, in order to ensure geographical diversity among students, no more than 10% of the students selected for a scholarship should have the same nationality (this rule does not apply to top-up scholarships for targeted regions — see above). Beyond this threshold, students can be enrolled without scholarship.
All applicants, wherever they come from, are eligible for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship provided they fulfill the minimum academic requirements, as stated on the admission page and with the following exceptions and conditions:
- Students who have previously obtained an EMJM scholarship are not eligible;
- EMJM scholarship holders cannot benefit from another EU funded scholarship scheme to follow the same EMJM course and this for the entire period of the course.
Other scholarships
Note that other scholarships than Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for students who are not selected with a scholarship.
A list is provided by Campus France. You can apply to the relevant scholarships in parallel to the application for the EPOG scholarships. In the application form, you can ask a conditional admission depending on whether you get (or not) a scholarship through other funding institutions.
For Minors B1 and C2, you may also look at the opportunities offered by the German government, throughout the DAAD scholarships database. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is one of the largest funding organisation in the world supporting the international exchange of students and scholars. Furthermore, Germany has various foundations supporting international students studying in Germany.
Among the possible scholarship for the second year in Paris, we can mention that the Non-French students selected in the two-year programme will have the possibility to apply to the Eiffel scholarship for the second year in Paris.
Please note that for most of these scholarships, the application shall made very early (often before or together with the application to EPOG).
We can also mention the classical “Erasmus+ mobility scholarships”(not Mundus). Non-Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders (only) can apply for an Erasmus+ grant. The grant can only be offered for the second year for students of the two-year programme (throughout the first-year university). Il represents approximately €300 per month. The administration will inform you of the procedure to apply for this type of scholarship.