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The EPOG “Policy briefs”

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    The EPOG “Pol­i­cy briefs” com­prise four pages of pol­i­cy analy­sis and rec­om­men­da­tions on top­i­cal issues, writ­ten in col­lo­qui­al lan­guage. They con­tribute to pub­lic debates world­wide. It is curent­ly issued in Eng­lish. They are dis­sem­i­nat­ed to a wide audi­ence, includ­ing jour­nal­ists, pol­i­cy mak­ers, mem­bers of par­lia­ment and think tanks. 

    19Decem­ber, 2023Which Green Finance Can Pro­tect the Ama­zon Rainforest?João Emboa­va Vaz
    18March, 2023Gen­dered Aus­ter­i­ty and Cash Trans­fers in Pak­istan: A Gen­der-Sen­si­tive Bud­get­ing AssessmentMaria Syed
    17Octo­ber, 2021Will pro­duc­tiv­i­ty growth come back after COVID-19?Ettore Gal­lo
    16May, 2021The sit­u­a­tion of paid domes­tic work in Latin Amer­i­ca. The case of Argenti­na

    La situación del tra­ba­jo domés­ti­co remu­ner­a­do en
    Améri­ca Lati­na. El caso de Argentin
    Facun­do Lastra
    15Decem­ber, 2020Pol­i­cy respons­es in pan­dem­ic times to deal with the eco­nom­ic cri­sis in Colom­bia, what are the options?Manuela Mahecha Alzate
    14Octo­ber, 2020Pan­dem­ic: What about the ‘Third World’?Eduar­do Tinti
    10–13June-July, 2020Pol­i­cy Debate — Spe­cial Issue — “Pol­i­cy Mix in the Euro­zone fac­ing Covid-19” (#10 to #13)All files in one
    13June-July, 2020Pol­i­cy Debate — Spe­cial Issue — “Pol­i­cy Mix in the Euro­zone fac­ing Covid-19” — An essay of rejoin­der: search­ing for a con­sen­sus on the new macroeconomicsEmmanuel Carré
    12June-July, 2020Pol­i­cy Debate — Spe­cial Issue — “Pol­i­cy Mix in the Euro­zone fac­ing Covid-19” — Euro trea­sury, job guar­an­tee and MMT: time for a fis­cal the­o­ry of eco­nom­ic stabilizationDirk Ehnts
    11June-July, 2020Pol­i­cy Debate — Spe­cial Issue — “Pol­i­cy Mix in the Euro­zone fac­ing Covid-19” — Pub­lic debts in times of coronavirusHen­ri Sterdyniak
    10June-July, 2020Pol­i­cy Debate — Spe­cial Issue — “Pol­i­cy Mix in the Euro­zone fac­ing Covid-19” — Advo­cat­ing pub­lic debt for­give­ness by the ECB to build the world to comeBap­tiste Bridonneau
    9June, 2020Pro­tect­ing peo­ple or finance? On the need to free social poli­cies from finan­cial mar­kets dur­ing and after crisesAna Car­oli­na Cordilha
    8April, 2020The coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic and the guardians of capitalismLuise Wimm­ler
    7Feb­ru­ary, 2020The Invest­ment-Prof­it puzzle(s). The good, the bad and the ugly solutionsJoel Rabi­novich
    6Octo­ber, 2019No-Deal Brex­it: Trick or Treat(y) Uncer­tain­ty and the Future of the UK EconomyLouis Dau­mas
    5Octo­ber, 2019Dol­lar cen­tral­i­ty and Renminbi’s rise: chal­lenges and prospectsTom C. dos Santos
    4June, 2019Use of wear­ables for health man­age­ment in the aging populationNuoya Chen
    3April, 2019Increas­ing week­ly work­ing time and its impli­ca­tions for long-term growth: The case of AustriaLud­wig List
    2Feb­ru­ary, 2019Roadmaps to tran­si­tion: the case of the Appalachi­an CoalfieldsClara Dal­laire-Forti­er
    1Novem­ber, 2018The impact of the Fed’s “nor­mal­iza­tion” of mon­e­tary pol­i­cy on Emerg­ing Mar­ket EconomiesJoaõ Pedro Scal­co Macalós
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