EPOG+ - Economic POlicies for the Global transition - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

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Ecological challenges seminars (Semester 3)

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    The major eco­log­i­cal and social cri­sis that Plan­et Earth, its ter­ri­to­ries, liv­ing envi­ron­ments and inhab­i­tants are going through, makes it nec­es­sary to deal with sys­temic, mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary issues relat­ed to the envi­ron­ment. The increased sen­si­tiv­i­ty to the effects of human activ­i­ties on the major bal­ances of the bios­phere, pri­mar­i­ly cli­mate change, the extinc­tion of bio­di­ver­si­ty, pol­lu­tion, the con­sid­er­able pres­sure on nat­ur­al resources and set­tle­ment dynam­ics, raise impor­tant polit­i­cal and social debates. The major cycles such as water, car­bon, nitro­gen, the major tel­luric or cli­mat­ic phe­nom­e­na, ener­gy resources, are all process­es that must be rethought today in their inter­ac­tions with human activities. 

    The “Eco­log­i­cal chal­lenges from a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary per­spec­tive” sem­i­nar series of the EPOG+ Eras­mus Mundus pro­gramme is joint­ly organ­ised by the Uni­ver­sité ParisC­ité’s Earth Pol­i­tics Cen­tre, the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty’s Insti­tute for Envi­ron­men­tal Tran­si­tion and the Grad­u­ate school “Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and tran­si­tions”. All the ses­sions are giv­en by world-spe­cial­ist in the addressed field.

    For online (live) atten­dance: https://live.epog.eu

    For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu


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