EPOG - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

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Tuition fees

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    The basic cost of the pro­gramme is esti­mat­ed about 40 000 euros/student/year. How­ev­er, these costs are high­ly sub­sidised for the select­ed students.

    The stu­dent tuition fees for the 2‑year EPOG-JM Eras­mus Mundus Joint Mas­ter are waved to around 1000 euros / year (600 euros / year + around 400–500 euros / year for the health and acci­dent insur­ance scheme ful­fill­ing the Euro­pean Com­mi­sion’s min­i­mum require­ments).

    This fees waver applies for the stu­dents with a per­son­al income below 26400 euros/year (expect­ed schol­ar­ships or oth­er per­son­al income dur­ing the EPOG+ stud­ies). Note that parent’s sup­port or the use of per­son­al sav­ings are not con­sid­ered as student’s per­son­al income. These rules are based on the social pol­i­cy the con­sor­tium wants to imple­ment: even if the EPOG pro­gramme needs funds to oper­ate, edu­ca­tion is pri­mar­i­ly con­sid­ered as a com­mon good that should not be com­modi­tised. Please con­tact us in case you expect your per­son­al income, as defined above, to exceed 25800 euros/year dur­ing the study peri­od. Please also con­tact us if you receive a schol­ar­ship that explic­it­ly includes a ded­i­cat­ed amount for cov­er­ing reg­is­tra­tion fees.

    Note that most of the stu­dents that will be enrolled in the pro­gramme with­out an Eras­mus Mundus schol­ar­ship will ben­e­fit from the clas­si­cal Eras­mus mobil­i­ty schol­ar­ship dur­ing the sec­ond year (except those in Minor C4 and those enrolled in the one-year programme).

    The Eras­mus Mundus schol­ar­ship hold­ers ben­e­fit from a com­plete fee waiver.

    For those stu­dents with a per­son­al income above 26400 euros/year (expect­ed schol­ar­ships or oth­er per­son­al income dur­ing the EPOG+ stud­ies), the full tuition fees (9600 euros / year) may apply.

    In any case, non-schol­ar­ship hold­ers may also request a full (or par­tial) fee waiv­er.

    The specific rules for the 1-year EPOG programme are available on a specific page.
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