Tuition fees
The basic cost of the programme is estimated about 40 000 euros/student/year. However, these costs are highly subsidised for the selected students.
The student tuition fees for the 2‑year EPOG-JM Erasmus Mundus Joint Master are waved to around 1000 euros / year (600 euros / year + around 400–500 euros / year for the health and accident insurance scheme fulfilling the European Commision’s minimum requirements).
This fees waver applies for the students with a personal income below 26400 euros/year (expected scholarships or other personal income during the EPOG+ studies). Note that parent’s support or the use of personal savings are not considered as student’s personal income. These rules are based on the social policy the consortium wants to implement: even if the EPOG programme needs funds to operate, education is primarily considered as a common good that should not be commoditised. Please contact us in case you expect your personal income, as defined above, to exceed 25800 euros/year during the study period. Please also contact us if you receive a scholarship that explicitly includes a dedicated amount for covering registration fees.
Note that most of the students that will be enrolled in the programme without an Erasmus Mundus scholarship will benefit from the classical Erasmus mobility scholarship during the second year (except those in Minor C4 and those enrolled in the one-year programme).
The specific rules for the 1-year EPOG programme are available on a specific page.