EPOG+ - Economic POlicies for the Global transition - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

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    Per­sis­tent finan­cial fragili­ties com­bined with grow­ing income and wealth inequal­i­ties and the loom­ing major eco­log­i­cal cri­sis rep­re­sent major world chal­lenges. Mul­ti­ple stud­ies show that the cur­rent inequal­i­ty lev­el is hav­ing a neg­a­tive impact on eco­nom­ic recov­ery while the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (IPCC) is under­lin­ing the dan­gers and sys­temic effects of glob­al warm­ing (IPCC, 2018). There­fore, a reori­en­ta­tion of eco­nom­ic growth and devel­op­ment towards long-term sus­tain­abil­i­ty is becom­ing ever more cru­cial. As the world now appears increas­ing­ly uncer­tain, this con­text calls for a con­sis­tent and lucid rethink­ing of the eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy base and implies an increas­ing need for well-inte­grat­ed eco­nom­ic and social exper­tise con­tribut­ing to the design and man­age­ment of these policies.

    Eco­nom­ic POli­cies for the Glob­al tran­si­tion (EPOG+) is a two-year inter­na­tion­al master’s pro­gramme tai­lored to address­ing these future chal­lenges. Its con­cept relies on the fact that design­ing, imple­ment­ing and assess­ing eco­nom­ic poli­cies for the required tran­si­tion process­es calls for experts and high­ly trained researchers, with state-of-the-art knowl­edge and skills in spe­cif­ic fields, com­bined with a broad­er under­stand­ing of eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy interdependencies. 

    The unique­ness of the EPOG+ pro­gramme relies on this “systemic/holistic” approach, i.e., the abil­i­ty to offer each stu­dent a spe­cif­ic field of study relat­ed to the cho­sen Major (A- Knowl­edge, inno­va­tion and dig­i­tal tran­si­tion; B- Macro­eco­nom­ics, finance and the socioe­co­nom­ic tran­si­tion; C- Devel­op­ment, sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and the eco­log­i­cal tran­si­tion), togeth­er with cours­es, sem­i­nars and activ­i­ties relat­ed to the oth­er Majors. By rec­on­cil­ing these two dimen­sions, grad­u­ates will be bet­ter pre­pared to address the relat­ed chal­lenges and to bridge the aca­d­e­m­ic and pol­i­cy communities. 

    Although the cours­es will be deliv­ered in the Eng­lish lan­guage, the pro­gramme also aims to pro­vide a mul­ti­cul­tur­al train­ing and ground­ing: it includes a (at least basic) knowl­edge of the French lan­guage for all, with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of acquir­ing lan­guage skills in the lan­guage of the coun­try where the stu­dent has cho­sen to study.

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