EPOG - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

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#226 — The Negawatt scenario for the energy transition: From France to the EU

10 January 2023  @ 16 h 15 min  18 h 30 min 

Yves Mari­gnac, Project leader and spokesper­son of the Négawatt association

Dis­cus­sants: Sofia Fau­rie (EPOG+, Major B), Elaref­bel­lah Kaal (EPOG+, Major C), Nour Kouch­ta (EPOG+, Major A).

For online (live) atten­dance: https://live.epog.eu

For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu

Relat­ed documents

Négawatt asso­ci­a­tion (2017), NégaWatt sce­nario 2017–2050 — A blue­print for a suc­ces­full ener­gy tran­si­tion in France, www.negawatt.org.
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