EPOG - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

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#183 — Beyond growth: full health on a living planet

21 September 2021  @ 14 h 00 min  16 h 15 min 

Eloi Lau­rent, Researcher, OFCE.

For online (live) atten­dance: https://live.epog.eu

For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu

Dis­cus­sants: Rodri­go Albu­querque Coorsh (EPOG+, Major C), Han­nia Guadar­ra­ma-Jimenez (EPOG+, Major A), Peter Robert Nitsche-Whit­field (EPOG+, Major C)

In part­ner­ship with the “Economie de la san­té” (Health eco­nom­ics) ini­tia­tive of the Sor­bonne Uni­ver­si­ty alliance.

Relat­ed documents

Eloi Lau­rent (2021) “From Wel­fare to Farewell: The Euro­pean Social-eco­log­i­cal State Beyond Eco­nom­ic Growth”, ETUI Research Paper, Work­ing Paper 2021.04.
Eloi Lau­rent (2021), “Un chemin d’espoir pour l’humanité au milieu du chaos cli­ma­tique”, Le Monde, 19 août.
62 boule­vard de Sébastopol
Paris, 75003 France
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