EPOG+ - Economic POlicies for the Global transition - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

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#268 — To save the ecosystem we must transform the international financial system

January 30  / 16 h 15 min  18 h 30 min 

Ann Pet­ti­for, Polit­i­cal econ­o­mist, Direc­tor of PRIME (Pol­i­cy Research in Macro­eco­nom­ics) net­work, Coun­cil Mem­ber of the Pro­gres­sive Econ­o­my Forum, For­mer advis­er of the leader of the British Labour Par­ty, Trustee of the Pro­mot­ing Eco­nom­ic Plu­ral­ism (PEP) organisation.

Dis­cus­sants: Jhan ANDRADE PORTELA (EPOG+, Major B), Elis­a­beth DRAHOSS (EPOG+, Major C), Akhrork­hon IKROMOV (EPOG+, Major A).

For online (live) atten­dance: https://live.epog.eu

For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu

Relat­ed document(s)

Ann Pet­ti­for (2023), “Beyond Growth: A Strat­e­gy for Tack­ling Pow­er. My speech to the EU Con­fer­ence On the need to blow up the ‘easy mon­ey’ pipeline”, Sys­tem change,May 29, https://annpettifor.substack.com/p/beyond-growth-a-strategy-for-tackling.
Trades Union Con­gress (2023), “From the doom loop to an econ­o­my for work not wealth”, TUC report, Feb­ru­ary.
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