EPOG - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

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    #300 — Economic challenges in the Gulf Monarchies

    Université de Paris - Building: Halle aux farines (Room: 3B) (max 132 people) 10-16 rue Françoise Dolto, Paris

    Marc Valeri, Associate Professor of Political Economy of the Middle East at the University of Exeter (UK). Discussants: Lou COLLIN (EPOG+, Major C), Andreza DA SILVA PEREIRA DA CONCEIÇÃO (EPOG+, Major B), Ana Luiza FLORES DIAS (EPOG+, Major A). For online (live) attendance: https://live.epog.eu For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu Related documents Marc Valeri (2018), "Towards the […]

    #299 — Ecological planning and the problem of knowledge in the Anthropocene

    Université de Paris - Building: Halle aux farines (Room: 3B) (max 132 people) 10-16 rue Françoise Dolto, Paris

    Cédric Durand, Professor of political economy at the University of Geneva. Discussants: Aaron Dirk GONZALEZ POHLENZ (EPOG+, Major C), Nicolas LARCHER (EPOG+, Major B), Sumini SIYAMBALAPITIYA (EPOG+, Major A). For online (live) attendance: https://live.epog.eu For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu Related documents Cédric Durand (2025), "The Problem of Knowledge in the Anthropocene. Hayekian Environmental Delusion and the […]

    #298 (with BRICS seminars) — Debt and the politics of numbers: hegemonic numbers, political numbers, ordinary numbers

    Maison de la recherche (room: Auditorium Dumézil) 2 rue de Lille, Paris

    Isabelle Guérin, Director of Research at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), Social Science Center Studies in African, American and Asian Worlds (CESSMA, Université Paris Cité/IRD/Inalco). Discussants: Romain MAHIEU (EPOG+, Major B), Pratibha PANT (EPOG+, Major A), Aisulu ZHUSSUPBAYEVA (EPOG+, Major A). For online (live) attendance: https://live.epog.eu For the replay: https://videos.epog.eu Related […]

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