EPOG - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

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    #300 — Economic challenges in the Gulf Monarchies

    Université de Paris - Building: Halle aux farines (Room: 3B) (max 132 people) 10-16 rue Françoise Dolto, Paris

    Marc Valeri, Associate Professor of Political Economy of the Middle East at the University of Exeter (UK). Discussants: Lou COLLIN (EPOG+, Major C), Andreza DA SILVA PEREIRA DA CONCEIÇÃO (EPOG+, […]

    #299 — Ecological planning and the problem of knowledge in the Anthropocene

    Université de Paris - Building: Halle aux farines (Room: 3B) (max 132 people) 10-16 rue Françoise Dolto, Paris

    Cédric Durand, Professor of political economy at the University of Geneva. Discussants: Aaron Dirk GONZALEZ POHLENZ (EPOG+, Major C), Nicolas LARCHER (EPOG+, Major B), Sumini SIYAMBALAPITIYA (EPOG+, Major A). For […]

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