Staff (EPOG+)
- Structure, content and mobility
- EPOG+ (Economic POlicies for the Global transition)
- Structure and content overview (EPOG+)
- Mobility (EPOG+)
- Detailed content (EPOG+)
- Major A — Knowledge, innovation and the digital transition (EPOG+)
- Major B — Macroeconomics, finance and the socioeconomic transition (EPOG+)
- Major C — Development, sustainable development and the ecological transition (EPOG+)
- Special focuses (EPOG+)
- Seminars and conferences (EPOG+)
- Semester 4 — Master’s thesis and conference (EPOG+)
- Staff (EPOG+)
- NEW PROGRAMME | EPOG-JM (Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation) [From 2024 selection]
- Structure and content overview (EPOG-JM)
- Mobility (EPOG-JM)
- Detailed content (EPOG-JM)
- Major A — Innovation, the digital economy and the sociotechnical bifurcation (EPOG-JM)
- Major B — Macroeconomics, finance and the socioeconomic bifurcation (EPOG-JM)
- Major C — Sustainable development and the socioecological bifurcation (EPOG-JM)
- Special focuses (EPOG-JM)
- Methodology and/or interdisciplinary-based projects (EPOG-JM)
- Seminars and conferences (EPOG-JM)
- Semester 4 — Master’s thesis and conference (EPOG-JM)
- Staff (EPOG-JM)
- Language policy
- Induction process
- Facilities
- EPOG+ (Economic POlicies for the Global transition)

David Flacher
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Director of the EPOG+ programme
David Flacher is Professor of economics and Deputy Director of the interdisciplinary COSTECH research lab at UTC, a lab dedicated to the study of technology through social sciences and humanities. He holds an engineering degree from Télécom Paris and a PhD in economics from Université Paris 9‑Dauphine — PSL. He has been Associate professor at Paris 13 University and Director of the CEPN research lab (CNRS UMR7234). He has founded the first EPOG Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course in 2012. His recent research interests are in the economics of education, the digital commons and the transformations of the economy in the digital era.
He holds the EPOG-Unesco chair.

Pascal Jollivet-Courtois
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Coordinator of Major A
Pascal Jollivet-Courtois is in charge of the overall coordination of the Major A in EPOG+. He is a socio-economist specialised in the digital transformation and a text data scientist. He began his career in the private sector, in international IT companies, with positions in Information System and R&D departments. He tenured at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) in 2002, and is now an associate professor at UTC. At UTC, he successively headed the economics and management unit, a team of the COSTECH lab and the Master’s degree in “Strategy, Innovation Complexity” (SIC). His current research focuses on crowdsourced socio-economic prospective, using digital humanities methods.

Philippe Steiner
Sorbonne Université
Coordinator of Major B
Philippe Steiner is in charge of the overall coordination of the Major B in EPOG+, together with Dany Lang (see below). He is Deputy Director of the “Analyse et Politique Economiques” (APE) Master’s programme jointly accredited by UTC and Sorbonne University. He owns a PhD in economics and is trained both in economics and sociology. He is now Professor of sociology at Sorbonne University and former fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). He published extensively in economic sociology and the history of social sciences. His recent publications include “Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology” (Princeton University Press, 2011), “Marchés contestés” (Contested markets) (Presses du Mirail, 2015, with M. Trespeuch), “Donner… Une histoire de l’altruisme” (Give… A history of altruism) (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2016, 2017 Best Book Award of the European Society of the History of Economic Thought), “Calculation and Morality in the Abolition of Slavery in France” (with C. Oudin-Bastide, Oxford university Press, 2019).

Nathalie Blanc
Université de Paris — CNRS
Coordinator of Major C
Nathalie Blanc is in charge of the overall coordination of the Major C in EPOG+. She works as a Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and is based at University of Paris. She has been the Director of the LADYSS (Laboratory of Social dynamics and spatial reconstruction, CNRS UMR 7533, a joint research lab with Universities Paris 1, Paris 8, Paris 10 and the University of Paris (formerly Paris 7), from 2013 to 2019. She is a pionneer of “ecocriticism” in France. She has published and coordinated research programs on areas including habitability, environmental aesthetics, literature & environment and nature in the city. A founding member of the French Environmental Humanities Portal. From 2011 to 2015, she has also been the French delegate of the European COST research project Investigating cultural sustainability and then is the delegate of the European COST program on New Materialism ‘How Matter Comes to Matter’ (2015–2018). She has published the book “Form, art, and environment: engaging in sustainability” (Routledge, 2016). She is the Director of the “Centre for Earth Policy” (Centre des politiques de la Terre) created by the University of Paris.

Pierre-Marie Chauvin
Sorbonne Université
Pierre-Marie Chauvin is Associate Professor of sociology at Sorbonne University. His research interests include Economic Sociology, Sociology of Reputations and Visual Sociology. After a PhD on the reputations in the Bordeaux wine community, he has been working on a more general theory of reputations including artistic and social worlds. Among his publications (books & articles), he edited a sociological dictionary of entrepreneurship with M. Grossetti & P.-P. Zalio (Dictionnaire sociologique de l’entrepreneuriat, Presses de Sciences Po, 2014) and wrote a handbook of economic sociology with A. de Raymond (Armand Colin, 2014). In 2018, he has been named Vice-Dean for Human and Financial Resources (Sorbonne University, Arts & Humanities Faculty).

Nathalie Coutinet
Université Paris 13
Nathalie Coutinet is Associate Professor of economics and research centre in economics and management of the University Paris 13 (CEPN – CNRS UMR7234). She has been the Director of the “Analyse des Politiques Economiques” (APE) Master’s programme and of the EPOG Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course at Paris 13, jointly with David Flacher. Her research focuses on Industrial economics, Health economics and the Pharmaceutical industry. She has published books and numerous articles. Her more recent book is dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry (Economie du medicament, Repères, La découverte, 2019, with Philippe Abecassis).

Hervé Defalvard
Université Paris Est Marne-La-Vallee
Hervé Defalvard is Associate Professor of economics at the University of Paris Est Marne-La-Vallee (UPEM). He is responsible for the Chair of Social and Solidarity Economics at UPEM. Hervé Defalvard is specializes on social economy, institutional economics, history of economic though and epistemology.

Cédric Durand
Université Paris 13
Cédric Durand is economist at Paris 13 University. He teaches Development Theories at the EHESS, Economics of Globalization at the University of Geneva. He also participates to the scientific management of the MSH Paris Nord. Working within the tradition of Marxist and French Regulationist Political Economy, he studies globalization, financialization and contemporary mutations of capitalism. He has published numerous articles and his latest book is Fictitious Capital (Verso, 2017). He is a member of the editorial board of the the Socio-Economic Review and of the Revue d’économie industrielle.

Gary Dymski
University of Leeds
Gary Dymski is Professor of Applied Economics at Leeds University Business School (LUBS), Leadership Chair at University of Leeds and co-Leader of University-wide Cities Theme. Hi is Co-Director of the Applied Institute for Research in Economics (AIRE) and Co-Investigator on the EPSRC Grand Challenge project on ‘Self-Healing Cities’ (robotics, AI, and urban infrastructure) 2017–2021, the ESRC Productivity Insights Network Plus project, 2017–2020. He is also Co-Leader of the Institutions Research Hub, ESRC Rebuilding Macroeconomics Network Plus project (2018–2020). His field of expertise is primarily on finance and banking.

Antoine Godin
Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Antoine Godin is a Senior Economist at the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), in charge of the macroeconomic modeling team. He is also an associate researcher at the Centre d’Economie de l’Université de Paris Nord (CEPN). For AFD, he works on the development of a suite of macroeconomic models, called GEMMES, aiming at analysing the transition to low carbon economies for developing countries. He holds a M.Sc. in applied mathematics engineering and a PhD in economics. He has published numerous articles in journal such as the Journal of Evolutionary Economics, the Cambridge journal of Economics or the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

Hugo Harari-Kermadec
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay (ENS Paris Saclay)
Hugo Harari-Kermadec is Assistant professor in economics of education at IDHES-ENS Paris-Saclay. He holds a Phd in statistics from CREST and University Paris-Nanterre. His research interests are funding and inequalities in Higher education as well as transformations of labor value-form. Hugo Harari-Kermadec is a specialist of quantification processes.

Frédéric Huet
Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Frédéric Huet is Associate professor of economics since 2006. He is the pedagogical director of the department. His contributions to the literature are related to the organisational and industrial economics, with an interdisciplinary perspective (economics, industrial engineering, sociology, philosophy…). More precisely, his work questions how the new inter-organisational relationships and distributed activities transform the process of value creation from product-based value to added relational value. He has observed this evolution through different new business models in the service economy, the sharing economy, and the digital “plateformisation”. He has been involved in different academic and industrial research projects and programmes.

Dany Lang
Université Paris 13
Dany Lang is Associate Professor of Economics at University of Paris 13 (and Professor at the U. of Saint Louis, Belgium). He is heading the lab’s research axis on the “dynamics of capitalism and Post-Keynesian analyses”. He has published many articles in world-class journals on income distribution, unemployment, path-dependence and the importance of time in economics. He is in charge of the overall coordination of the Major B in EPOG+, jointly with Philippe Steiner.

Jean-Louis Laville
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)
Jean-Louis Laville is Professor at the CNAM where he holds a Chair in Solidarity Economy. He is a researcher in Lise (Interdisciplinary laboratory for economic sociology, CNRS-CNAM), Ifris (Ile de France Society Innovation Research Institute) and Collège d’études mondiales (FMSH). He involved in a lot of international research networks, he is the European coordinator for Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy and founding member of the European network EMES. He is a regular guest speaker at several universities (Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Quito, Louvain-la-Neuve, Porto Alegre, Salvador da Bahia…).

Marc Lavoie
Université Paris 13 and University of Ottawa
Marc Lavoie is emeritus Professor at University Paris 13 (from which it also received a doctorate Honoris Causa in 2015). He is a Research Fellow at the Macroeconomic Research Institute of the Hans Böckler Foundation in Düsseldorf and a Research Associate at the Broadbent Institute in Toronto. Lavoie has published 10 books and over 200 refereed articles or book chapters, mostly in macroeconomics. He is best known for his book with Wynne Godley, Monetary Economics (2007), which is considered a must-read for users of the stock-flow consistent approach. He is a co-editor of two academic journals and on the editorial board of 10 other journals. Another major reference is Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations (Edward Elgar, 2015).

Antoine Rebérioux
Université de Paris
Antoine Rebérioux is Professor of economics at the University of Paris and a research fellow at LADYSS. He is a specialist of corporate governance, industrial relations and human resource management. His research falls within the fields of applied economics (using large scale databases on firms and workers) and socio-economics. He has published numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including top field reviews such as the Journal of Corporate Finance, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial relations, the British Journal of Industrial relations, the Cambridge Journal of Economics or the Journal of Common Market Studies.

Yorgos Rizopoulos
Université de Paris
Yorgos Rizopoulos is Professor of economics at the University of Paris, Deputy Director of the Geography, History, Economy and Society (GHES) department, Director of the the “Analyse et Politique Economiques” (APE) Master’s degree and member of LADYSS research center. His professional experience record includes consulting and management in competitive analysis companies. His research interests focus on organizational, institutional and development dynamics. He’s Associate Editor of the East-West Journal of Economic & Business, member of the editorial board of several journals, expert for public and private organizations in France and abroad, and consultant for workers councils.

Marie Trespeuch
Sorbonne Université
Marie Trespeuch is Associate Professor of sociology at Sorbonne University. Her PhD focused on the French online gambling market (2011). Since then, her work has been dealing with digital transformations of the markets, and the relations between economic activities and moral issues. She edited with P. Steiner “Marchés contestés” (Contested markets) (Presses du Mirail, 2015). She has recently co-published several articles on online consumer’s reviews or collaborative consumption. She is the co-director of the series “Sociologie économique” for the Sorbonne Université Presses, and is also on the editorial board of two scientific journals (Terrains & Travaux and Revue française de Socio-économie).

Korhan Uludüz
EPOG sudent, Cohort 2022
Invited at the COSTECH lab, UTC

Aldo Geuna
Coordinator of Major A at the University of Turin
He is Full Professor at the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti De Martiis, University of Torino, Fellow of the Collegio Carlo Alberto and Senior Research Associate at the Innovation Policy Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. He is member of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. He was Visiting Fellow at SIPER, Stanford University, Senior Lecturer at SPRU, University of Sussex, Senior Research Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute and Research Fellow at BETA, Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg). He has published several books and articles in refereed journals in the area of economics of science, economics of innovation and science and technology policy.

Eckhard Hein
Coordinator of Major B at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
Eckhard Hein is Professor of economics and Director of the Master International Economics Programme at HWR. He is Co-Director of the Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE), Research Associate at the Levy Economics Institute, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and at the Center of Economics of Paris North (CEPN), Member of the Coordination Committee of the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), and Co-Editor of the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention. His research focuses on post-Keynesian macroeconomics, money, financial systems, distribution and growth, and European economic policies.

Trevor Evans
Trevor Evans has a PhD in economics from the University of London. He worked for many years at the Regional Centre for Economic and Social Research (CRIES) in Managua, Nicaragua and, until he retired in 2015, was professor for monetary theory, monetary policy and international monetary relations at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. He is a member of the coordinating committee of the European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe. His research interests are the political economy of international money and finance, the US economy and its international impact, economic policy in Europe, finance and development, Marxian and Post-Keynesian theories of money and finance.

Martina Metzger
Martina Metzger is a Professor of Monetary Economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) with a focus on emerging market economies; in that context, she serves as the liaison person of HWR’s co-operation with Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE Chengdu/China) and Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin on monetary policy. Her lectures cover macro, finance & development as well as current issues of international economic and financial relations both in bachelor and master programmes. Her research deals with issues such as exchange rate regimes, remittances, digital financial services, financial and monetary cooperation, regional integration, financial sector development of developing countries and emerging markets, financial market regulation, international and national financial and monetary architecture.

Jennifer Pédussel Wu
Jennifer Pédussel Wu is Professor of Economics, in particular world trade and international production, and Director of the Master Chinese-European Economics and Business Studies at HWR. She was a Member of the LEN Research Center at the University of Nantes and a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn. Her research interests include: international trade, regional integration, trade in factors of production, and gender.

Salmai Qari
Salmai Qari is Professor of Econometrics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) and a Research Affiliate at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW Berlin). His research focuses on public economics and statistical methods. He has published numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals, including top field journals, such as the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Scandinavian Journal of Economics or Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation.

Martina Sproll
Martina Sproll is a Professor of Social Sciences (Structural change and the Welfare State in international perspectives), at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin). She is currently Director of the Master “Labour Policies and Globalisation” at the HWR Berlin and member of the Steering Committee of the Global Labour University. Her research and lectures focus on Transnational Production and Labour, Gender Relations, Social inequalities, Political Economy and Sociology of Latin America and Europe, Migration and Post-Democracy in Europe.

Christina Teipen
Christina Teipen is a Professor of Social Sciences at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) with a focus on economic sociology; in that context, she coordinates a research project on “Economic and Social Upgrading”. Christina Teipen‘s seminars cover global governance, European multi-level governance as well as current issues of European political integration and work, business and society both in bachelor and master programmes. Her research deals with issues such as global value chains, labour, industrial relations, comparative political economy, industry studies in the Global North and the Global South. She is member of the Academic senate of HWR.

Antonella Stirati
Coordinator of Major B at the University of Rome 3
Antonella Stirati is Professor of Economics at Roma Tre University. Her research interests are in the development of the Classical-Keynesian approach, particularly in the fields of output and employment determination, income distribution, and unemployment. She wrote a book on The Theory of Wages in Classical Economics (Elgar, 1994), co-edited the three-volumes collection Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory, (Palgrave-macmillan, 2013) and published a number of articles in academic journals and collected volumes. She currently is associate editor of Review of Political Economy, president of STOREP (the Italian association for the history of economic thought) and a member of INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) academic council. She is also active in scientific popularization and intervenes in public debates on current issues. She co-edits the on-line journal Economia e politica.

Roberto Ciccone
Roberto Ciccone is full professor of Economics at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University, where he coordinates the two-year Master degree course in Economics. His research activity is mainly directed to the modern recovery of the classical theory of distribution and relative prices, to the criticism of neoclassical theories and to the extension to the long term of the Keynesian approach with regard to the levels of economic activity, the accumulation of capital and the role of economic policies. Since 1995 he is a member of the Board of the Centro Ricerche e Documentazione “Piero Sraffa”, which he chairs since 2011. He is currently a member of the Board of the Italian Economic Association.

Caterina Conigliani
Caterina Conigliani is Associate Professor of Statistics. She holds a Statistics degree and a PhD in Statistics from Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. She has been Research Assistant at the Department of Economics, Università Roma Tre. Her recent research interests are in Bayesian statistics, in model selection and model uncertainty with applications in Health Economics and in Environmental Economics, in spatial models for count panel data.

Valeria Costantini
Valeria Costantini is Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics, Roma Tre University (Italy). She acted as the coordinator of the M.Sc. in Environment and Development Economics for five years. She is a founder and a member of the advisory board of SEEDS, the Italian interuniversity research centre on Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies. She is Associate Member at UNS-GREDEG, Groupe de Recherche en Droit, Economie et Gestion, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. Formerly she has been senior researcher at the Italian National Research Institute for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (ENEA). She has been involved in several EU projects. She has published in several international journals. Main research interests are: climate change policy, monetary evaluation of environmental damage, green technologies, policy mix design.

Francesco Crespi
Francesco Crespi is Full Professor at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University, where he holds the chair of Corporate and Innovation Policy and the chair of Public Finance. He was formerly economist at the Italian Department of the Treasury and Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester. He holds a PhD in Economics from University of Roma Tre and a MSc in Economics from CORIPE Piemonte. He has been involved in many national and international research projects and consultant for public and private institutions. His research interests focus on the analysis of the economics of innovation and technology policy. He is currently working on the impact evaluation of R&D public subsidies, the economic analysis of environmental and energy technologies and the transformative role of digital technologies. He is author of several publications in international scientific journals.

Saverio M. Fratini
Saverio M. Fratini is professor of Economics and coordinator of the three-year bachelor’s degree in Economics at Roma Tre University. He holds a PhD in Economics from Sapienza – University of Rome. He is member of the teaching board and vice-coordinator of the PhD program in Economics at Roma Tre University. He is managing editor of the Centro Sraffa Working Papers series. His research interests concern economic theory and the history of economic thought, with particular reference to the contribution of Piero Sraffa.

Maria Giovannone
Maria Giovannone holds a Ph.D. in Labour Law and Industrial Relations. She’s Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor in Global Economy and Labour Rights and European Social Law at Roma Tre University, Economics Department. She’s member of the Commission for the Certification of Labour Contracts, established within Roma Tre University. She’s author of many articles, both in Italian and English. In 2010 she was co-editor of the book Vulnerable Workers, Safety, Well-being and Precarious Work, published by Gower Publisher. She’s author of the book La tutela del labour standards nella catena globale del valore, published in 2019 by Aracne Editore. She’s been part of many funded projects, both at national and European level.

Enrico Sergio Levrero
Enrico Sergio Levrero is Professor of Economics at Roma Tre University. He studied economics at De Montfort University in Leicester (M.Phil) and the Sapienza University of Rome (Master’s degree and PhD). His main research interests and activities are in the theories of value and distribution, wages and the labour market, issues of monetary economics, and Sraffa’s works. He is a member of the Centro Sraffa Board of Directors, the “Macroeconomic implications of market-shaping and mission oriented policy” research group (UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose), and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on “Labour, Welfare and Social Rights in Europe”. He is editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of Political Economy and coordinator of the ‘Classical Theory and Policy Analysis’ Research Area of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). He collaborates with INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) on monetary issues. His previous works include Four Lectures on Wages and the Labour Market (2012), Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory in three volumes (2013, edited with A. Palumbo and A. Stirati) and several articles in academic journals and collective volumes.

Carlo Pietrobelli
Carlo Pietrobelli is a professor and policy advisor on innovation and industrial development and policy. He is currently Professor of Economics at University Roma Tre, Italy, Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht, and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University, Washington D.C.. During 2009–2016 was a Lead Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank. His research interests range from development economics to innovation, trade, industry and natural resources in developing countries. He has published widely in international journals and his books were published by Harvard University Press, Edward Elgar, Palgrave and Routledge. He was Deputy Rector for promoting links between the University and the private sector and Head of Industrial Liaison Office of the University Roma Tre. He holds a PhD in Economics from Oxford University and has been a regular policy advisor to governments in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle
Coordinator of Minor C3 at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle is a senior lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) at the Department of Socioeconomics. His main research areas involve evolutionary political economy, agent-based modelling, complexity economics, institutional economics, global political economy dynamics, platform capitalism and the social ecological transformation. Manuel has published several peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, edited books in those fields and he is the author of “The Foundations of Evolutionary Institutional Economics. Generic Institutionalism” (Routledge 2014). Manuel is council member of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE).

Armon Rezai
Armon Rezai is Professor of economics at WU. He holds the chair of socioeconomics of work. He has published widely on macroeconomic topics, such as growth, distribution, and unemployment, and their application to environmental problems like climate change, and economic policy, in numerous academic journals as well as the popular press. After earning a PhD in economics from The New School for Social Research (New-York), he has worked at the United Nations University’s World Institute for Development Economics Research in Helsinki and provided consultations to the World Bank and the Austrian National Bank (OeNB). He has been Fulbright Fellow, Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund, and academic visitor at the University of California at Berkeley, CESifo, and the FGV Sao Paulo.

Ulrike Schneider
Ulrike Schneider is Professor of economic and Social Policy at WU. She is Head of the Department of Socioeconomics (since 2010), the Institute for Social Policy (since 2002) and Director of the WU Research Institute for Economics of Aging. Through her academic work she has developed research interests in a range of topics at the intersection of ageing, economics, and social policy analysis. Her work has included peer-reviewed externally funded research on living and care arrangements of older persons, the relationship between employment and informal care, funding and provision of long-term care services, and long-term care policy. She continues research on public programs and social services in support of older persons and on workplace issues of population ageing.

Sigrid Stagl
Sigrid Stagl is professor of economics at WU. She is Head of the Institute of Ecological Economics, Deputy Chair of the Department of Socio-Economics Programme and Director of the Master of Science in “Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy”. Currently she works on (1) sustainable work, (2) ecological macroeconomics, (3) integrated sustainability assessment methods and (4) socio-economic theories of human behaviour.

Nicolas Pons-Vignon
Coordinator of Major C at the University of the Witwatersrand
Nicolas Pons-Vignon holds a PhD from EHESS and is Senior researcher and Programme Director of the Master of Commerce in “Applied Development Economics”. His research focuses on labor markets and the role of the state in economic development. He initiated the “African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics” in 2007.

Daniela Casale
Daniela Casale is Professor of economics. She has a 18 years of teaching and research experience in Economics and Development Studies. Her research interests are in applied micro-economics with a focus on Labour, Gender and Household Economics and Early Childhood Development.

Vishnu Padayachee
Vishnu Padayachee is a Distinguished Professor and Derek Schrier and Cecily Cameron Chair in “Development Economics” at Wits. He was previously a Senior Professor in the School of Built Environment and Development Studies, and former two-term Head of the School of Development Studies at the University of Natal. In October 2012 he was appointed Professor Emeritus in the School of Built Environment and Development Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. His research interests include a number of disciplinary fields within the broad themes of political economy, economic and social history, and development. His current research interests include monetary history, theory, and policy in South Africa; the Political Economy of restructuring South Africa, and a study of South African capitalism.
Please note that the given details are subject to evolutions and changes.