EPOG - Economic POlicies for the Global bifurcation | Erasmus Mundus Joint Master

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Minor C1 — Technology, development and sustainable development (EPOG-JM)

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    Each semes­ter is struc­tured in blocks of cours­es aimed at pro­vid­ing in-depth under­stand­ing of eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy in the cho­sen Major field, and with inter­dis­ci­pli­nary perspectives. 

    The list of cours­es below is an indica­tive one. The cur­ricu­lum might still include addi­tion­al updates. The final ver­sion will be avail­able before the final selection/admission.

    1) Eco­nom­ics of knowledge9Aldo Geu­naS1EN
    2) Eco­nom­ics and soci­ol­o­gy of devel­op­ment in a glob­alised world
    Glob­al and local development6Fil­ip­po BarberaS1EN
    Devel­op­ment eco­nom­ics and inter­na­tion­al cooperation6Mar­co SanfilippoS1EN
    3) Quan­ti­ta­tive meth­ods (Econo­met­rics)9Ste­fano BianchiniS1EN
    4) Lan­guages (3 ECTS, option­al)

    1) Polit­i­cal econ­o­my of development10Jérôme LangeS2EN
    2) Micro­eco­nom­ics, indus­tri­al and trade policy10Sibulele Nkun­zi S2EN
    3) One course among the following
    * Development10Uma Kol­lam­para­m­bilS2EN
    * Applied econometrics10Pru­dence MagejoS2EN
    * Intro­duc­tion to health economics 10Fred­erik BooysenS2EN
    4) Tuto­r­i­al seminar/research project (no ECTS, compulsory)-Gareth RobertsS2EN
    5) Lan­guages (1.5 ECTS, option­al): French 1,5S2

    0) Induc­tion month (Sep­tem­ber)
    1) Devel­op­ment and sus­tain­able devel­op­ment (spe­cif­ic to Major C)
    Eco­log­i­cal bifur­ca­tion from a Glob­al South perspective4S3EN
    Socio-eco­nom­ic metabolism4Nelo Mag­a­l­hãesS3EN
    Finance and the eco­log­i­cal bifurcation4Jef­frey Alt­house, Romain SvartzmanS3EN
    2) One elec­tive issue-based spe­cial focus (SF)6S3EN
    3) One method­ol­o­gy and/or inter­dis­ci­pli­nary-based projects (MIP) for mas­ter’s the­sis incubation6S3EN
    4) Quan­ti­ta­tive method­olo­gies for empir­i­cal work (one of the cours­es below)
    Econo­met­rics6Thibaud Deguil­hemS3EN
    Advanced econo­met­rics6Anaïs Hen­neguelleS3EN
    4) Lan­guages
    French and pos­si­bly oth­ers
    (French manda­to­ry for non-French natives | 2 addi­tion­al ECTS beyond Semes­ter 3’s 30 ECTS for languages)

    Semes­ter 4 includes com­mon cul­ture activ­i­ties (10 ECTS, start­ing dur­ing Semes­ter 3), the mas­ter’s the­sis (18 ECTS) and a course or intern­ship (2 ECTS).

    Semes­ter 4 aims to enhance and apply learn­ing out­comes. Depend­ing on their Master’s the­sis project and career per­spec­tives, stu­dents will:

    They will also choose between:

    • Writ­ing the Master’s the­sis in a “research lab envi­ron­ment”;
    • Writ­ing the Master’s the­sis in the con­text of a “pro­fes­sion­al internship”.

    Stu­dents will be inte­grat­ed into the rel­e­vant research lab (with access to sem­i­nars and research meet­ings, data­bas­es, library and com­put­ing resources). Dur­ing Semes­ter 4, they will

    • work on their Master’s the­sis in the cho­sen insti­tu­tion (Feb­ru­ary-June);
    • take one course (see lists below) or fol­low local research sem­i­nars (equiv­a­lent to 2 ECTS). This activ­i­ty aims (i) to favour their induc­tion in the host­ing insti­tu­tion and/or (ii) to help with their Master’s the­sis (method­ol­o­gy, spe­cif­ic advanced cours­es…). Note: If a stu­dent choose an addi­tion­al course which is giv­en dur­ing Semes­ter 3, he/she does not have any­more oblig­a­tions to take an addi­tion­al course dur­ing Semes­ter 4.

    In con­struc­tion.…

    The intern­ship may be spent at one of the non-aca­d­e­m­ic asso­ci­at­ed part­ner or at any rel­e­vant insti­tu­tion pro­vid­ed that the intern­ship is direct­ly relat­ed to the top­ic of the Master’s the­sis, so that the time spent can be used as field­work in prepa­ra­tion for the dis­ser­ta­tion. It should be not­ed that the require­ments are the same for a the­sis done in a con­text of a pro­fes­sion­al intern­ship and a research lab envi­ron­ment. Note also that the stu­dents will­ing to do a pro­fes­sion­al intern­ship have to find the posi­tion. The intern­ship can last 4 to 6 months. 

    6) Com­mon culture
    Vari­a­tions of cap­i­tal­ism. Con­tem­po­rary devel­op­ment in crit­i­cal polit­i­cal economy2Cédric DurandS3/S4EN
    Eco­log­i­cal chal­lenges from a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary per­spec­tive (in asso­ci­a­tion with the Cen­tre for Earth Pol­i­tics and the Insti­tute for Envi­ron­men­tal Tran­si­tion)3Nathalie Blanc
    David Flach­er
    and invit­ed speakers
    Joint sem­i­nars: aca­d­e­m­ic per­spec­tive on eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy and eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy explained by eco­nom­ic actors and pol­i­cy mak­ers (30–40 seminars)5David Flach­er (coor­di­na­tion of invit­ed speakers)S3/S4EN
    Elec­tive “soft skills” ses­sions (no ECTS)-Var­i­ous speakersS3/S4EN/FR
    7) Intern­ship or one elec­tive course with region­al, sec­tor-spe­cif­ic, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary or inter­cul­tur­al focus2S4EN
    8) Mas­ter’s thesis18S4EN
    6) Lan­guages
    French and pos­si­bly others.

    Please note that the giv­en details are sub­ject to evo­lu­tions and changes.

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